Compact Series Pro Series Modular Solution Electrolyte Drums Common Applications Dry electropolishing machines deliver a bright, shiny finish on delicate metal parts like medical implants, without the regulatory hassle involved with handling liquid electrolyte. Unlike traditional electropolishing, dry electropolishing uses porous, sponge-like, solid electrolyte beads to remove peaks of roughness from a metal surface. Dry […]
Electropolishing Equipment - Articles
What is Dry Electropolishing? How Does Dry Electropolishing Work?
How It Works Benefits Dry vs. Traditional Dry vs. Mechanical Process Steps Applications Dry electropolishing is a revolutionary new surface finishing process for polishing metal parts. Dry electropolishing removes peaks of roughness from a metal surface, without affecting the shape or overall dimensions of the metal part. The resulting surface finish is shiny, smooth and ultra-clean. Dry […]
Electropolishing Cycle and Current Calculator
This electropolishing spreadsheet with electropolish cycle time calculation formula serves as a basic starting point for electropolish equipment sizing to: Calculate cycle times needed to remove 0.0005″ of material based on part surface area and rectifier current capacity Calculate the rectifier current capacity based on part surface area and desired cycle time to remove 0.0005″
Passivation vs. Electropolishing
What’s the difference between electropolishing vs. passivation? Are both necessary for processing a part? Which one should be done first? These common questions often lead to confusion in industry because of specification callouts vs. true understanding of each process. Passivation Definition is… a non-electrolytic process typically using nitric or citric acid which removes free iron […]
Electropolishing Machines in a Wet Bench / Console
System Description Common Applications Common Configurations Electropolishing machines produce a bright, highly-polished, smooth finish on metal objects. Our electropolishing equipment offers the assurance of repeatable, micro-tolerance surface finishing for stainless steel, cobalt chrome and other materials. The high-quality, consistent results aid in process validation for regulatory and industry requirements. Wet Bench Electropolishing Machines Electropolishing wet benches […]
What is Electropolishing? How Does Electropolishing Work?
What is Electropolishing? Electropolishing is an electrochemical finishing process that removes a thin layer of material from a metal part, typically stainless steel or similar alloys. The process leaves a shiny, smooth, ultra-clean surface finish. Also known as electrochemical polishing, anodic polishing or electrolytic polishing, electropolishing is especially useful for polishing and deburring parts that […]
Large Scale Part Electropolishing Systems
System Description Common Applications Specifications Electropolishing systems ensure repeatable, micro-tolerance surface roughness finishing for industrial, medical device and aerospace metal parts. Stainless steel electropolishing systems produce a bright, corrosion-resistant, highly-polished surface, reducing the expense and surpassing the quality of standard mechanical polishing. Electropolishing systems are available in a variety of configurations: Benchtop – Benchtop or […]
Electropolishing Equipment and Electropolisher Machines for Stainless Steel
INDUSTRIES SERVED: Medical Device Aerospace Electronics Automotive Semiconductor Electropolishing equipment produces a bright, corrosion-resistant, highly-polished surface on stainless steel and other metals. Quality electropolisher machines ensure repeatable, micro-tolerance surface roughness finishing that can be easily validated to regulatory and industry requirements. Best Technology offers the industry’s leading precision and industrial electropolish equipment. Types of systems […]
Table Top Electropolishing Equipment & Electropolishing Machines
System Description Common Applications Common Configurations Pricing Electropolishing Machine Descriptions Our electropolishing equipment polishes metallic parts to ensure repeatable, micro-tolerance surface roughness finishing for medical equipment, aerospace parts, and industrial parts. Electropolishing reduces the expense and surpasses the quality of standard mechanical polishing. Our small tabletop electropolishing equipment is especially well-suited for laboratory use and prototyping of […]