For one medical device manufacturer, the design of a citric passivation solution faced two major challenges: The manufacturing process required performing a water-break test after cleaning parts, before proceeding to passivation. This meant that they could not use a fully automated passivation solution. The system had to have data tracking for quality control purposes. Semi-Automated […]
Passivation Systems Case Studies - Case Studies
Automated Pipe Cleaning and Acid Passivation System
Pipes and tubes often are difficult cleaning and passivation applications because various washing, rinsing, and passivation solutions must be flushed through the pipes. Pipe flushing applications with tight aspect ratio (high length vs. the internal diameter) or multiple bends tend to require forced or pumped circulation through the tubing. Pipe Passivation System Video Passivation […]
Automated 6-Stage Wash-Rinse-Passivate-Rinse-Rinse-Dry For Aerospace Customer
Time and time again we hear from customers looking to transition their passivation process in-house. In most cases the biggest concern cited is not always the cost to have the process performed by an external vendor, but the time. Between packing, shipping, unpacking, processing, repacking, shipping the parts back and unpacking them again many customers […]
Manual Bench Top Ultrasonic Passivation Equipment
Flexibility is a key concept which your customers demand from you each day, and with the 782P series bench top ultrasonic passivation 5 tank system, flexibility is built-in. From washing and rinsing to passivating and drying, the 782P benchtop parts washer can handle any task you throw at it. The 782P provides 4 separate 3.5-gallon ultrasonic tanks (12″ […]
Medical Device Cleaning and Passivating Equipment with a Cleanroom Space Constraint
Cleanroom Medical Device Cleaning Equipment Background Large medical device manufacturers have outsourced much of their manufacturing to contract manufacturers for a long time. It’s always exciting to see small businesses succeed and grow. But sometimes business growth can lead to growing pains. Such was the case with a growing medical device manufacturer in Minneapolis recently. […]
Heated Polypropylene Acid Passivation and Rinse Tanks
Application for Heated Acid Passivation and Rinse Polypropylene Tanks Recently Best Technology was contacted by a customer who manufactures and installs stainless steel piping into underground water distribution systems. Once buried, the pipes need to have a very long life. The customer uses stainless steel fittings and junction pieces throughout their buried systems. The fact that the […]
Electropolishing Wet Bench with Nitric Acid Neutralization / Passivation
Acid Neutralization Application The medical device electropolishing wet bench has multiple polypropylene tanks to electropolish, rinse, nitric acid passivate / neutralize, and 2 final cascade overflow rinse tanks. This electropolishing wet bench has incoming parts already cleaned so electropolishing is the first stage. Other wet bench systems can have part cleaning and rinsing before the […]
Automated Ultrasonic Citric / Nitric Acid Passivation Equipment for Medical Device and General Parts
Application for Medical Device Passivation Case Study The automated ultrasonic passivation system processes medical device industry parts with precision part cleaning and nitric or citric acid passivation after machining and/or laser mark. The system is able to passivate the following grades of stainless steel: 17-4, 304, 316, various 400 series and the like with a neutral […]
Manual Benchtop Ultrasonic Citric Passivation System for Medical Device Parts
Application The benchtop ultrasonic citric passivation system processes medical device industry parts with precision part cleaning and passivation after machining and laser mark. The customer, Integrated Technology , is able to passivate the following grades of stainless steel: 17-4, 304 and 316 with a neutral pH alkaline cleaner and CitriSurf® 2250. Other stainless steel grades are possible […]
Medical Device Guidewire Automated Ultrasonic Cleaning and Passivation System
Application Medical device sterilization requires guide wire cleaning and passivation after grinding and processing. The parts are bundled and have a film of grinding particulate and oil coating them. The system is able to clean the wires in a combine bundle rather than separated individually. The automated wash-rinse-passivate-rinse-final rinse combined with the ability to process bundles of […]