Immersible ultrasonic transducers are sealed stainless-steel enclosures for adding ultrasonic cleaning capability to tanks and equipment for parts cleaning. Immersible ultrasonic transducers for cleaning can be added to either new or existing equipment. The ultrasonic transducer uses ultrasonic frequencies to cavitate the aqueous solution molecules in the tank and produce uniform precision parts cleaning of the part surface.
Immersible Ultrasonic Transducer for Cleaning: Power Sizing and Placement
The number and placement of the submersible ultrasonic cleaning transducers is primarily determined by the volume of liquid in the tank, geometric layout of the tank, and load size of the parts. Depending on the size of the tank and parts cleaning application, the watts of ultrasonic power per gallon or watts/gal can vary from 30 to 100+ W/gal.
Immersible ultrasonic transducers for cleaning can be mounted on the sides or bottoms of the parts washing/cleaning tanks, depending upon their geometry. In general, side mounting is recommended for tanks where the depth is more than two times the smallest of the length or width. Side mounting helps prevent debris and foreign material from settling on the top of the ultrasonic transducer box, which can reduce ultrasonic effectiveness.
Bottom-Mounted Immersible Ultrasonic Transducer Box and Generator
These submersible ultrasonics can be made in 25/28 kHz frequency, for tough-to-clean parts like engine blocks and cleaning burnt-on carbon. They are also available in 40 kHz frequency for general parts cleaning such as precision-machined components, in an agitated immersion parts washer or stationary metal-sided tanks. Immersibles are not typically added to polypropylene, PVC, PVDF or other plastic-based tanks as the plastic absorbs the ultrasonic energy thereby reducing the cavitation energy delivered to the part surface.
Side Tank Mounted Immersible Ultrasonic Transducer Enclosure
Common Applications – Advantages of Immersible Ultrasonic Cleaning Transducers
- Drop in ultrasonics to existing manufacturing cleaning process lines, such as aqueous cleaning lines, passivation, plating lines, or other part finishing processes which require microscopic surface scrubbing agitation.
- The heavy-duty design of the stainless-steel box has completely sealed components, which allows for precision ultrasonic cleaning in conditions normally too harsh for such precision electronics.
- Valve bodies and manifolds with small internals not accessible for cleaning by forced spray or mechanical removal.
- Medical device stainless steel parts cleaning.
- Aerospace parts cleaning.
- Ultrasonic part cleaning of water soluble machining coolants, chips, particulate, and true machining/cutting oils, buffing, polishing and lapping compounds which require mechanical surface scrubbing to remove.
- General washing for maintenance, manufacturing, rework and/or remanufacturing.
Common Configurations
Since submersible ultrasonic boxes are most commonly added to existing stainless steel and other metallic based tanks, the boxes and ultrasonic power are made to fit such tanks. We can easily make our immersible ultrasonic cleaning transducers into any tank configuration sizing required for your application with little to no additional custom size pricing.