The information provided is most recent as of July 2024*
The intent of this page is to provide brief background to MN PFAS laws and how the laws relate to the use of BestSolv fluids.
Minnesota Legislation on PFAS Prohibition in 2025
Minnesota PFAS Amara’s law– passed in the 2023 Minnesota Legistlative session
- Aimed to limit PFAS exposure to consumers
- Widest reaching legislation for PFAS restrictions in the U.S. to date – defined a PFAS as “a class of fluorinated organic chemicals containing at least one fully fluorinated carbon atom.”
- Provides exemption to law for medical device products and “currently unavoidable use” if no alternatives exist
- Acting as the “commissioner” per the law, the MPCA (Minnesota Pollution Control Agency) further clarify “The 2025 prohibition applies to products used primarily for domestic, commercial, or institutional cleaning purposes, not to those used for cleaning within an industrial manufacturing process.”
BestSolv™ Fluid Background
BestSolv™ products:
- are for industrial use only and not intended for consumer use or exposure to a consumer
- are fluids used during in process manufacturing for cleaning or heat transfer purposes but do not remain on a manufactured part after manufacturing
- BestSolv™ and 3M™ Novec™ HFE fluids do contain more than one fully fluorinated carbon atom
- BestSolv™ HFO/HCFO (Omega and Zeta) fluids do NOT contain a fully fluorinated carbon atom and are considered PFAS free based on the most stringent definition defined in Minnesota law.
Conclusion of PFAS Use in Minnesota and BestSolv Fluids
Summary: Based on the above information and the industrial (non-consumer) use of BestSolv products, BestSolv products can be continued to be used after the MN PFAS 2025 prohibition
*Information on this site is for informational purposes only and is not to be construed as legal advise or direction.